Saturday, 10 October 2009

Getting in the mood for Halloween

Anyone who knows me knows I love any excuse for fancy dress, heck I even had a Wild West 40th. So with Halloween coming up I am starting to think about costumes, I am leaning towards Pirate Queen but who knows what I will end up as! Anyways I thought I would just remind myself of last years costume and here it is..... This is me and my OH at my friend Heather's party (which she will hopefully have this year too - hint, hint!) The fab kit is All Hallows Eve from Weeds & Wildflowers. Just in case you were wondering, OH is wearing a mask (he's not really that old and wrinkly), unfortunately I am not wearing a mask, that is me (but I do have alot of make-up on)!

This year Halloween will be a bit sad for me as my youngest DDs school closed in June and I was very involved in the PTA there and we always had a Fancy Dress disco for the kids at Halloween. Many an hour I have spent doing face painting or serving on the tuck shop, printing out certificates for best costume or best dancer, helping sort out DJ music or clearing up the sweetie wrappers after it is all over.

Do you dress up at Halloween? Do you have a party?

Leave a comment and let me know what traditions you have at this time of year.


Maria said...

Jazzy, I always loved Halloween, I think it's the Celt in me, but in recent years it is getting all associated with dark forces and stuff and that kinda puts me off. But I love the whole look of Halloween designs and fancy dress parties. As long as you keep it nice and light and don't get too heavy, I see it as harmless fun!

Ayak said...

I'm competely out of touch with what happens at Halloween...because it isn't celebrated fact I can't even remember the date? Is it the end of this month? If so I will be in the UK so will be interested to see what happens these days.

Love the pic Jazzy!

Jazzy said...

Ayak - its October 31st.
Bet you can't wait to get to see Billy, have a fab time

Anonymous said...

can't wait for Halloween! x

Anonymous said...

yea those witches are really cute! x