Saturday, 18 April 2009


Just in case you were are some of the kayakers showing off their tricks.
My OH, my son and my best friend are amongst this lot, so I am never short of action shots.

Messing about in boats

I just love the colours in this photo. The kayaks look so inviting, like they're just waiting for someone to jump in and set off on an adventure. It's not often everyone is out of their boat at the same time and they are all lined up like this and I knew it wouldn't last long so I had to grab a quick shot while I could. It's not the perfect angle but I didn't have time to jump onto the rocks and get to the middle of the river so that I could get them from head on. But never mind, I got the colours and that was what I wanted most.

Does it make you wonder......

Whose boat is it?
Why are they sitting there?
Is that the edge of a waterfall they are on?
What is over the drop?
Where are the kayakers?

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Don't you just love actions!

I have been playing around with some of the free actions at the Coffee Shop and look at the difference it has made to the eyes on this shot. WOW! I LOVE it.

Here is the before shot

And here it is after

That is amazing. I didn't even do it too carefully cos I was just playing, not really trying to do it for real. Oh My Goodness, actions are soooo cool. I am definitely going to spend more time on this shot now and do it more carefully. If you haven't had a peek over at the Coffee Shop then go there NOW.

OK so here it is again after I spent a bit more time and did it more carefully. Isn't it awesome.

My Top Ten photography sites

Since my favourites list of photography sites is fit to burst I thought I would like to narrow it down to my Top Ten and so here they are in case anyone fancies having a peak at them. They aren't in any particular order, they are just the 10 sites I visit most for photography stuff.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

I ♥ Faces

This week's theme on the I ♥ Faces photography blog ( is My Friend and I. I have never entered before but when I saw the theme I knew that this photo of my daughter and her friend would be perfect for it so I am entering this one.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Easter crafts & traditions

I just love this little fella, don't you. DD2 made it in school for Easter and it is sitting in pride of place on top of the piano.

I have seen a few lovely Easter wreaths on various sites this week and it made me wonder what other Easter traditions people have. We don't do much at home craftwise (though I am definitely going to make a wreath next year) but on Easter morning we have a hunt for the eggs the Easter Bunny has left before going to church. For the last few years we have had a trip out with friends on Easter Monday or Tuesday to places like The Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, Carnfunnock Country Park and Marble Arch Caves. Then we go back to someone's house for dinner and a relaxing evening. What are your Easter traditions?

Friday, 3 April 2009

Blooming Marvellous

WOW look how much the bud on the magnolia tree has opened up in just a day or two. It looks really pretty. Apart from two cherry blossom trees this is the only colour we get in the garden, unless I plant up some hanging baskets and tubs. I am planning on doing that this year instead of just going out and buying them but since I am easily distracted it may not get done until its too late. Someone please keep reminding me!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

In Bloom

I always look forward to seeing the flowers on my Magnolia tree start to appear because it makes me think that the warmer weather is not too far away. Since it is still bitterly cold in Belfast I was quite surprised to find that some of the Magnolia buds are open already but it was a great opportunity to get a few pics as they look so soft and delicate and they last for such a short time. I used my supermacro setting and got in so close I was almost touching them. I tried to get the further away petals to look a bit blurry to emphasise the softness and I think it worked out OK.